Yesterday was probably the saddest day in music history. After suffering cardiac arrest, Michael Joseph Jackson [supposedly] died from a heartattack at the age of 50. DID YOU READ & UNDERSTAND WHAT I JUST WROTE??? Michael freakin Jackson passed away!! Looking at these words and seeing all the media coverage still doesn't seem real to me..... WHY YOU MJ?? WHY NOW??

A music icon who single handedly created the Pop Music genre... The biggest selling artist of ALL TIME with over 750 million albums sold worldwide... 7 number one singles off one album! He also has the top three best selling albums in music history [first 'Thriller', then 'Dangerous' and then 'Bad']!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

A man who single handedly changed the way artists performed and danced!! Chris Brown, Mya, Usher, Omarion, Ciara, Aaliyah, etc and choreographers like Loreanne Gibson, Luther Brown, Shane Sparks, etc.... who do you think was their inspiration?? This man had the power to bring GROWN ASS MEN to tears and had people ingout at just the mere sight of him! ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW??

An innovator who single handedly changed the way music videos were made... GIVE RESPECT WHERE IT'S DUE!! To this day, Thriller is the only video I know that people won't skip past! When this video is playing, you better lock your mout' & take notes!! The choreography was amazing, the visual effects were proper, whole movie idea was GENIUS!!

This LEGEND was also a humanitarian... EVERYONE should aspire to give and love others the way this man did. He was NOT a selfish person and I will always remember that most about him. He gave up his LIFE to entertain US!
.... I don't even know what else to say right now. I'm still waiting for Ashton to punk me! Man, tonight's gonna be a long one cause I have A LOT of songs & videos to find!!
R.I.P. Michael J. Jackson.... I'm heartbroken!
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