Anyhow, as you all know [and as I've mentioned before] my first love is music and I am a firm believer that anything under the Arts catergory (music/ acting/ photography/ visual arts/ etc) should be taught and learned by experience and not in a classroom where a teacher sits you and a hundred other people down to drill information in your head day in, and day out. Granted, you'd have to learn how to read notes to play instruments by reading sheet music. You'd also have to know the difference between camera lenses, shutters, megapixels, etc to know the ins and outs of photography.... But is the classroom the only way to learn these things?? NO!!! Find people who are in these fields and learn by doing!
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not completely writing off the school idea. I think post-secondary can be helpful and maybe even necessary in the medical/ business/ english fields because of all the theory and content one needs, to know those courses inside and out. Catch 22? Maybe...
Ok so, I found what I believe is the perfect course for me to take, so I can learn what I want and apply it to my ideas. Mind you, I found this course two days ago, the September 2009 classes are "waitlisted" and there isn't a semester start for January... ARGH :@! It's a course at George Brown College called Fashion Business Industry and I'm a bit irritated that I didn't have this idea and need to look into it 6-8 months ago! Under the admissions section, it says that applications would need to go in by February, confirmed by May and courses are to be paid by July. TODAY IS AUGUST 30th!!! Just my freakin' luck...
I spoke to my friend about it and she told me to call and ask questions before I just say forget it... [I actual think she's pushing me because she's afraid I'll never give school another try after this, lol]. I personally think anyone I talk to would laugh at my attempt but, you gotta start somewhere right? Then again, this could be a sign that I'm suppose to continue researching and teaching myself the things I need to know to get my business going..... Who knows?
Any thoughts?