.... did Shemar Moore get plastic surgery?? I mean, I think he's
annoying but he was already good looking!
.... is Amber Rose such an attention whore? You're a cute girl with a stellar body so you really don't need to be THAT obvious with it!
.... is this Mistah Fab dude still breathing? Listen honestly, no one cares who you're attracted to and as a dark skinned woman, I'm GLAD you wouldn't holla at me!!! Crawl back into the underground sewage from which you came!!!
.... did Omarion leave Young Money ONE WEEK after being
.... is Kelis asking for MORE money? Doesn't this chick understand she's pretty much set up for years to come!! *I heart you K but you're trippin!*
.... Why are Tiny and Toya's daughters Zonnique and Reginae getting a reality show?
.... is Y&R getting soooooooooooo good?
.... do girls think I care about their misguided emotions? I'M GOOD REGARDLESS!
.... am I still home on a sunny friday afternoon??
*5 mins later*
Why the frig is it pouring outside AGAIN??? FML!
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